
2019; Chasing Adventures

As I reflect on the year 2019, I've summed it as a year of chasing adventures. A lot of firsts in 2019 and also a lot to be thankful for. First year being back in KL for good after being away, tbh it took some time for me to get used to; being with family again, rebuilding friendships and creating news ones. As usual, starting the year with birthday celebrations :)  My birthday fell on a weekday, so Howie picked me up from work and we went to Pullman for a buffet dinner.  After that, went home and parents surprised me with a cake. The next day, another surprise from Howie. We celebrated both mine and Mabel's birthday as her birthday is on the 4th. Celebrated with colleagues too with median food yummmm! 2019 CNY Dinner with the Ohana. It was very special because it's been a while since we gathered together for a meal. These people are definitely gonna be in my life for a longggg time :) CNY at Popo's place One of the rare occasion to have a full fa

2017-2018 Recap

I have a lot of posts just sitting in my drafts, usually just thoughts and random writings. But it's been 2 years since those 'posts' and reading it really make me feels like, wow, I have grown. Haha. I'm thankful for the past few days, being able to work from home and spend so much time at home. I've been loving it. Truth to be told, I'm a homebody. I love the feeling of having all the time in the world, doing things in my own schedule and exploring things that I loved. The 9 to 6 job that I have, yes, though it's great and it's a dream work environment and all, but I crave the freedom to create and express. The last 3 days of working from home, I think I'm more productive than I am at home. I get to cook with my mum and prepare lunch together and I get to spend time with my dog and extreme lots of family time. Even now, I got the time to write again and just reminisce about the past few years. I love reading about the memories I had in my blog.