Orientation Outing

2nd February, my college mates and I went to a botanical garden located in Shah Alam. It was organized by our college as an interval to strengthen our friendship with one another. I think it really did pull us closer :D Had a really great time laughing and doing crazy things with them even though it was oh-so-sunny <3

Apparently, they said I looked like a tourist that day. Heh :B

Hehe, we got free ice cream too! :D

Waiting for the bus back to college :D

Crazy buddies :D

Didn't open my split properly because it hurts too much but our dance group's final pose! Nina and friends! :D All our practice and sweat paid off, we got first place. Hehe, it was really fun practicing with them. So much laughter and embarrassing movements.

The cutest group picture with them <3