Rolling with the pins

Today is such a greaaaaat day. My team won our school's sports day bowling competition! :D I'm so happy because we've been training for it and to be honest, I was really bad most of the time.

But I wanted to do well, I didn't want to let my team down. I was hoping that I could somehow capture the techniques and get the hang of it. I've been praying to God too, to give me the strength that I need and not feel discourage with every ball that rolls to the gutter. I am truly in awe by God's work. Jesus is so good. He was there during my competition and he was encouraging me to just "go for it". So, I just did my best and yay! I did gooooood :)

The flower pose :3 Just realized how good they are to me. Touched by their kind heart <3 Hehe

It's kind of sad that we couldn't interact with other groups but I still had so much fun with my team mates and Nina's team. So blessed <3 All glory goes to God.